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Kate Zimmerman

Angie, You COULD be the brunette! All you have to do is give me $10,000, and you and Dennis (or George Clooney -- your choice) can be immortalized. I can take the payment in instalments and send it to you intoxicating chapter by intoxicating chapter.

Kate Zimmerman

Kristin, you are so right. That's why you can hardly wait for chapter 2.


For a second there, I thought I was the brunette. I am pretty sure, this is the first romance novel set in Langley...hopefully, not the last.
love it.


Hmmmm, I think you have a real winner here Kate. But, if I might presume, based on my limited knowledge [second-hand only from "friends of friends" - ahem - who read books of this particular genre] of romance novels, I think our intrepid "sexy brunette" would almost certainly lob that abused Gala smartly at the rudely retreating posterior of said barbecue cook, nailing him dead-centre in his arrogant back-side, wouldn't she???

Sue Horner

Kate, I laughed out loud! But how does cleavage secretly heave? I guess if the hickory-scented stranger isn't watching. Oh, I smell a winner.


Sooo... funny! I need a romance for Christmas! You should market the idea Kate...

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